My first novel, Snowdance, was released in August 2007. It seems hard to believe that it's been so long since Elinor "met" the world, but it has been.
Recently I was fortunate enough to receive a letter from a reader who had just finished reading Snowdance for the third time. I kid you not! How great is that? Reading that note made me feel like I'd just won the lottery! Truly, connecting with readers is one of the things that makes this author return to the keyboard day after day, year after year.
I thought I'd post a short excerpt from Snowdance. I hope you enjoy it!
She could hear it but she couldn’t see it. The grating
grabbed her attention, growing louder until it became a
roar. Her mailbox was nearly obscured, merely a lump at
the end of her drive. With the snow falling swiftly once
more, the snowplow sped past as a bright blur.
The slow-down must be over. I had thought just a little while
ago that maybe this storm was ending. I was wrong…it’s not
ending. It looks like it’s getting worse. Falling faster. As if…as if.
As if they’re running out of time, and the flakes need to get the job
done before the clock runs down. Is that it? Is time running out?
As if on cue, the grandfather clock in the hall chimed.
The clock—it is running down. For the snow. For me.
Holding tightly to the rectangle on her lap, she took
one long, deep breath. The box had a calming effect and
Elinor let her body loosen. The tempo of her heart slowed,
no longer affected by the rate of the snow.
The box. It was special to her, but to anyone else it
probably would be nothing more than a worn, old wooden
container. Of course Elinor realized that was the way it was
for everyone. The things that were dear to one were
inconsequential to another. One man’s trash, another man’s
treasure, isn’t that the old saying?
The plow made its return trip, spraying curtains of
snow in all directions. The driver moved faster now, she
was sure of it. Besides, hadn’t it just been by? How can it be
back so soon? She tried to recall precisely how long it had
been since the plow’s last sweep of the road. Well, no matter.
She saw the red taillights disappear and shook her head. He’s
here again, regardless of when he was here last.
With a sigh, she reached for the glass of milk,
expecting to find it warm. Instead, it was cool. Almost
cold. How had that happened? Was time running out so quickly
that an hour passed like a minute, a minute as swiftly as a second?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Busy Lives
I know that Kathy has been very busy recently, caring for her husband. Although Kathy mentions that she has missed reading, I am sure she has missed writing her wonderful novels too.
Is it woman thing? Do our lives become more difficult because we are more often carers, whether of children, relatives or friends? I know I do resent it when I get dragged away from my computer for more than an hour. I do have to grin and bear it but inside I am so frustrated. Does this happen to Stephen King - does he have to rush out of writing room because his wife cannot find something? Does James Patterson have to put his next thriller to one side because a loved one feels they cannot cope that day? Or is it not a woman/man thing. Is it because we are not rich and famous, that we cannot afford a legion of staff to take care of us?
What do you think? Am I far off base, or hitting the target.
Is it woman thing? Do our lives become more difficult because we are more often carers, whether of children, relatives or friends? I know I do resent it when I get dragged away from my computer for more than an hour. I do have to grin and bear it but inside I am so frustrated. Does this happen to Stephen King - does he have to rush out of writing room because his wife cannot find something? Does James Patterson have to put his next thriller to one side because a loved one feels they cannot cope that day? Or is it not a woman/man thing. Is it because we are not rich and famous, that we cannot afford a legion of staff to take care of us?
What do you think? Am I far off base, or hitting the target.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Things You Keep
You give up everything when you have a family member that's ill. Dinner becomes a banana eaten at the counter, holidays go uncelebrated and birthdays pass unnnoticed. That's the way we've been living for weeks. But my husband is doing better now and coming home today.
There are activities and volunteer jobs that I've permanently given up. But what I have really missed and joyfully returned to --is reading. For weeks I've been too tired to crack open a book until this week when I started reading THE SECRET OF LOST THINGS by Sheridan Hay. I had forgotten how magical and wonderful reading is. What a joyful reunion it has been to have a book in my hand and be transported to another world. Reading is definitely a habit I'm keeping.
There are activities and volunteer jobs that I've permanently given up. But what I have really missed and joyfully returned to --is reading. For weeks I've been too tired to crack open a book until this week when I started reading THE SECRET OF LOST THINGS by Sheridan Hay. I had forgotten how magical and wonderful reading is. What a joyful reunion it has been to have a book in my hand and be transported to another world. Reading is definitely a habit I'm keeping.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Absolutely Beautiful!
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's hard for me to believe that January's almost over, but it is. I feel like we went from early December to now in a flash. How did that happen?
Well, it's happened, so I'd best come to terms with the first month of the new year's fleeting nature--fast! Only a week left before we welcome February. Only a week left before JaNoWriMo is over...and I'm not nearly as close to finishing my January novel as I'd like to be.
With that in mind, I'm going to wish you all a wonderful weekend filled with lots of love and laughter before I head for my laptop to work on my JaNoWriMo novel. It's called Tango At Midnight and is woefully short of the necessary word count. But who knows? I've still got a week to work on it. Anything's possible in this bright new year, don't you think?
Hope your day is a happy one!
Well, it's happened, so I'd best come to terms with the first month of the new year's fleeting nature--fast! Only a week left before we welcome February. Only a week left before JaNoWriMo is over...and I'm not nearly as close to finishing my January novel as I'd like to be.
With that in mind, I'm going to wish you all a wonderful weekend filled with lots of love and laughter before I head for my laptop to work on my JaNoWriMo novel. It's called Tango At Midnight and is woefully short of the necessary word count. But who knows? I've still got a week to work on it. Anything's possible in this bright new year, don't you think?
Hope your day is a happy one!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Last week I printed a five heart review for The Substitute Bride, and did mention that I had another one, so here goes.
Fabio Hetherington has left an inheritance to a woman named Roxie Rawson. As executor of the estate Saul is able to find her in New Zealand. When he visits he's surprised to find she has an eight year old son who looks exactly like his dead brother. Fabio's widow and mother aren't happy with the news and set out in their own way to find out more about the woman and boy. Young Josh and his uncle become close but Roxie never wants to let herself feel anything for the man who is so different from his brother.
Margaret Blake weaves an interesting story about the separation of the classes of rich versus poor in England. Roxie is a spunky woman who refuses to cry over the spilt milk of life. She'd rather be poor than depend on the family that ignored her when she and Josh were at the lowest point in their lives. She's fought her way out of the doldrums to make a life for herself and doesn't feel the need for Fabio's family now. Saul is a persistent man whose search for the truth doesn't stop as he and Josh become close.
Ms Blake does an excellent job building her chracters. Roxie is such an interesting blend of insecurity in her personal life as opposed to her sense of security and fair play in her job. Saul has had to be strong from the time he was very young but like Roxie, he adapted through rejection and some of the insults dished out. The difficulty he and Roxie have in the communication department is much like that of any two people who have to learn to talk about their feelings. Though neither acknowledge it they're much more alike than diffeent. This is a well crafted romance with a little suspense thrown in that makes it a great read.
Five Hearts from The Romance Studio.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Things Happen in Threes
Heard the expression, things come in threes? Ohmygod how true it turned out last week! Only it happened in fours! I can't help but wonder what's next?
As if the stinkin economy isn't bad enough. One of my co-workers suffered a heart attack at the age of thirty-six, another one was rushed to the hospital yesterday because she was having chest pains as well, and my dad called me to say he thinks he's very ill and dying. Okay, he's been saying that ever since my mom passed away. It's eventually going to come true. We all die. I'm not being flip about it, I love my step-dad but he's a little on the melodramatic side and he's never gotten over losing mom.
My daughter called me one night on her way home from work, crying because the company she's worked for the last seven years told everyone no more bonuses! Now granted, you're not supposed to count on a bonus but when you've received one every month for seven years, well, you count on it damn it! We're talking in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars in a good month. That's a lot of money for a young couple with a baby.
I wanted to cry with her. I wanted to fix it for her. I wanted to reach through the darn phone and hug her. My daughter is a very strong individual and it takes a lot to make her cry. But she was so frustrated, angry and of course worried. So I spent half an hour telling her what she had to be thankful for and convincing her there are other folks out there who have it worse. At least she still has a job. And she has options.
I guess what angered her the most is that the company she works for actually showed a profit last year. It is hard to understand how they could stop the bonuses for their employees knowing how hard it is to make ends meet right now. I think they're doing what a lot of companies are doing and taking advantage of the economy. There aren't any jobs right now so they can pretty much do whatever they want. If you want to keep your job you can't say a thing but are forced to go along with whatever.
Oh, and the fourth thing? My lap top crashed and I lost everything! My ebook library, my ebooks, all my pictures, programs I'd downloaded...good thing I had back up:)
As if the stinkin economy isn't bad enough. One of my co-workers suffered a heart attack at the age of thirty-six, another one was rushed to the hospital yesterday because she was having chest pains as well, and my dad called me to say he thinks he's very ill and dying. Okay, he's been saying that ever since my mom passed away. It's eventually going to come true. We all die. I'm not being flip about it, I love my step-dad but he's a little on the melodramatic side and he's never gotten over losing mom.
My daughter called me one night on her way home from work, crying because the company she's worked for the last seven years told everyone no more bonuses! Now granted, you're not supposed to count on a bonus but when you've received one every month for seven years, well, you count on it damn it! We're talking in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars in a good month. That's a lot of money for a young couple with a baby.
I wanted to cry with her. I wanted to fix it for her. I wanted to reach through the darn phone and hug her. My daughter is a very strong individual and it takes a lot to make her cry. But she was so frustrated, angry and of course worried. So I spent half an hour telling her what she had to be thankful for and convincing her there are other folks out there who have it worse. At least she still has a job. And she has options.
I guess what angered her the most is that the company she works for actually showed a profit last year. It is hard to understand how they could stop the bonuses for their employees knowing how hard it is to make ends meet right now. I think they're doing what a lot of companies are doing and taking advantage of the economy. There aren't any jobs right now so they can pretty much do whatever they want. If you want to keep your job you can't say a thing but are forced to go along with whatever.
Oh, and the fourth thing? My lap top crashed and I lost everything! My ebook library, my ebooks, all my pictures, programs I'd downloaded...good thing I had back up:)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Yoo Hoo...
Oh my gosh, it feels like forever since I've chatted with you. It practically has been, actually. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and welcomed in the new year amidst champagne and interesting resolutions.
Me? Well, we spent the holidays dealing with a health crisis, unfortunately. We were treated to dinner on a tray and one of us wore one of those open-at-the-back gowns but at least we were together. We are looking forward to a happy, healthy new year. I wish the same for all of you.
In the coming weeks we will be concentrating on getting well but I'm going to try and stop in on Fridays as usual. I hope you'll forgive my absence; it honestly couldn't be helped and was entirely unplanned and unexpected. One of my New Year's resolutions? To try not to miss any more Fridays!
So, how's January treating you? Here in upstate New York it's been frigid but I don't much mind. After all, we're stuck in the house so it's the perfect time for Mother Nature to snow and blow. Hope your January is a good one!
Have a nice weekend!
Me? Well, we spent the holidays dealing with a health crisis, unfortunately. We were treated to dinner on a tray and one of us wore one of those open-at-the-back gowns but at least we were together. We are looking forward to a happy, healthy new year. I wish the same for all of you.
In the coming weeks we will be concentrating on getting well but I'm going to try and stop in on Fridays as usual. I hope you'll forgive my absence; it honestly couldn't be helped and was entirely unplanned and unexpected. One of my New Year's resolutions? To try not to miss any more Fridays!
So, how's January treating you? Here in upstate New York it's been frigid but I don't much mind. After all, we're stuck in the house so it's the perfect time for Mother Nature to snow and blow. Hope your January is a good one!
Have a nice weekend!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I had two excellent five heart reviews this week from The Romance Studio - I am giving just one here this week. It's for my novel His Other Wife that came out in the Fall. This actually is one of my own books that I particularly like. It's funny how you like some books, and when they come out, can really hate others. No, I am not going to name those, how ridiculous would that be!
"Fabio Hetherington has left an inheritance to a woman named Roxie Rawson. As executor of the estate, Saul is able to find her in new Zealand. When he visits he's surprised to find she has an eight year old son who looks exactly like his dead brother. Fabio's widow and mother aren't happy with the news and set out in their own way to find out more about the woman and boy. Young Josh and his uncle become close but Roxie never wants to let herself feel anything for the man who is so different from his brother.
Margaret Blake weaves an interesting story about the separation of the classes of rich versus poor in England. Roxie is a spunky woman who refuses to cry over the spilt milk of life. She would rather be poor than depend on the family that ignored her when she and Josh were at the lowest point in their life She's fought her way out of the doldrums to make a life for herself and doesn't feel the need for Fabio's family now. Saul is a persistent man whose search for the truth doesn't stop as he and Josh become close.
Ms Blake does an excellent job building her characters. Roxie is such an interesting blend of insecurity in personal life as opposed to her sense of security and fair play in her job. Saul has had to be strong from the time he was very young but, like Roxie, he adapted through rejection and some of the insults dished out. The difficult he and Roxie have in the communication department is much like that of any two peole who have to learn to talk about their feelings. Though neither acknowledge it they're very much more alike than different. This is a well crafted romance with a little suspense thrown in that makes it a great read.
Five hearts - from Dee Dailey, The Romance Studio.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This and that

On personal note I apologize for my absence. My husband had total knee replacement last week to correct a failed partial. We found a terrific surgeon in Sarasota and all is going well.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

The gossip trail has a way of turning the most innocent of circumstances into a full blown, "Ohmygod I can't believe that!" Ever notice that? I heard Susie went to the movies with John somehow ends up, I heard Susie and John are sleeping together! Really, who cares if Susie and John are sleeping together, it's their lives.
I believe that there's three sides to every story. Yours, theirs, and the truth. I also believe that unless I get it straight from the horses mouth, I reserve judgement at what I hear from someone else.
Years ago I rented a house to a friend. Big mistake! NEVER rent to a friend. It turned into a mess when it came time for her to leave and for me to return her deposit. When she and her family first moved in it was a rent to own situation and they took very good care of the house. Later, when they realized they couldn't buy the house things changed. By the time they moved out the oven door was off the hinges, the brand new tile I'd put down right before they moved in was destroyed where they dragged their dining room chairs over it and the pool was a green breeding ground full of tad poles. Needless to say I didn't feel they deserved their deposit back because I had to repair those things.
What compounded the mistake of renting to a friend was that we also worked together. Another BIG mistake! She hounded me at work about the deposit. Told stories to anyone who would listen. I kept my mouth shut because it was no ones business and I didn't feel like I had to defend myself. That would only make me look guilty of the things she was spreading if I was on the defensive. I figured, let the people who know me draw their own conclusions. No one asked me my side of the story.
We had a mutual friend. And I was so worried this person would believe the other party and think the worst of me. I really liked this person but still, I kept my mouth shut. Eventually things died down, the ex-friend I'd rented the house to moved on to another job. Our mutual friend and I still worked together and finally one day I couldn't hold back anymore. I knew she'd heard the unfavorable stories about me. So I asked her.
Yes, she knew all about it. But she made me feel so good by saying, but I know her and I know you and I know you'd never do anything like that unless you had a good reason. I was so relieved! I valued our friendship and was worried our mutual friend would put me in a bad light in her eyes, and possibly ruin our friendship. But she didn't let the gossip come between us.
We're still good friends today, even though she's moved out of state. We email and send each other Christmas and birthday gifts. She's my biggest fan!
I guess the moral of my story is, reserve judgement unless you get it straight from the person's mouth because gossip is hurtful and dangerous and can change drastically as it spreads.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
That Old Rocking Chair
New Year began momentuously in the Blake household! We, or rather my husband, has this old rocking chair. I think it came out of the Ark when Noah wasn't looking. I guess the old guy was too busy feeding all those animals. Anyway, this old rocking chair was sort of like Frasier's Dad's chair, you know the awful monstrosity that spoils the look of Frasier's gorgeous, Chanel designed apartment? Not that my home resembles in anyway anything like that.
However, I have nagged, cajoled, done the woman thing of trying to make the man think it's his idea, to get him to get rid of that blasted chair. I tell you, shame isn't in it. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather when on New Year's Day, he who must be obeyed, suggests we get rid of his old chair, and my chair. Now these two are in what we call the "back room" sort of living room cum-dining room, but in the front room is my special chair. It's a Parker Knoll, perhaps you don't have these in the States, but they are superb chairs, made by craftsman and cost a fortune. I got mine through a friend when her Uncle, an old sea captain died, and I love it.
He suggests that until we get new chairs, we should use that one. Great. I struggle to get it into the back room but whose rear end sits on it? Yeah, you guessed, his, so I am definitely regretting this decision. I am regretting that the old rocking chair is at the bottom of the garden, bent and doubled and waiting for the "tip" to open.
A new chair is found - really this will be better for the sitting room, it's very nice, but because my Mom's old chair has also gone to the tip, I am using it...but I yearn to rest my weary butt in that lovely Parker Knoll.
Today we off searching for another chair.
My advice people, New Year or no New Year, be careful what you wish for!
However, I have nagged, cajoled, done the woman thing of trying to make the man think it's his idea, to get him to get rid of that blasted chair. I tell you, shame isn't in it. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather when on New Year's Day, he who must be obeyed, suggests we get rid of his old chair, and my chair. Now these two are in what we call the "back room" sort of living room cum-dining room, but in the front room is my special chair. It's a Parker Knoll, perhaps you don't have these in the States, but they are superb chairs, made by craftsman and cost a fortune. I got mine through a friend when her Uncle, an old sea captain died, and I love it.
He suggests that until we get new chairs, we should use that one. Great. I struggle to get it into the back room but whose rear end sits on it? Yeah, you guessed, his, so I am definitely regretting this decision. I am regretting that the old rocking chair is at the bottom of the garden, bent and doubled and waiting for the "tip" to open.
A new chair is found - really this will be better for the sitting room, it's very nice, but because my Mom's old chair has also gone to the tip, I am using it...but I yearn to rest my weary butt in that lovely Parker Knoll.
Today we off searching for another chair.
My advice people, New Year or no New Year, be careful what you wish for!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Those Hairy, Amusing Little Fur Balls!
What is up with cats and their disgusting habit of turning their tails into your face? I love my three little felines but I do not like or appreciate that particular habit. I can't tell you how many times I wake during the night to a little fur ball curled up around my head, with my nose up against their butt! The other night when I realized Jezebel was laying with her tail end against my cheek I turned my head, only to find my breathing cut off by Woffy's hairy butt.
If that's not bad enough, they use my body as a trampoline. I'm not kidding. I'll be sleeping, or close to it, when they'll jump right on my belly on their way over the bed. What, do they think that soft rounded protuberance beneath the covers is their personal little jumping toy? It's bad enough I get slapped awake at 3:00 o'clock every morning by a little black demon who wants some attention. Jezebel has also started bringing her toys to bed and every one of them makes a noise.
I've also noticed things disappearing around here. A tiny bottle of eye drops, usually sitting on the table next to my chair, disappeared the second day I put it there. I know I'll find it one day, probably the day I move. They have a secret stash somewhere, where I'll find tongs, socks, the removable little plastic Christmas bulbs that are on my ceramic tree, and my next doctor's appointment card. That's just a few things.
Little thief's! Why, I've even woken to find one tugging on my earring, which was still attached to my ear. LOL
I thought I'd share the perils of owning cats. Those of you with cats will relate to what I'm talking about. Cats are amusing, entertaining, and I wish I had room for more!
If that's not bad enough, they use my body as a trampoline. I'm not kidding. I'll be sleeping, or close to it, when they'll jump right on my belly on their way over the bed. What, do they think that soft rounded protuberance beneath the covers is their personal little jumping toy? It's bad enough I get slapped awake at 3:00 o'clock every morning by a little black demon who wants some attention. Jezebel has also started bringing her toys to bed and every one of them makes a noise.
I've also noticed things disappearing around here. A tiny bottle of eye drops, usually sitting on the table next to my chair, disappeared the second day I put it there. I know I'll find it one day, probably the day I move. They have a secret stash somewhere, where I'll find tongs, socks, the removable little plastic Christmas bulbs that are on my ceramic tree, and my next doctor's appointment card. That's just a few things.
Little thief's! Why, I've even woken to find one tugging on my earring, which was still attached to my ear. LOL
I thought I'd share the perils of owning cats. Those of you with cats will relate to what I'm talking about. Cats are amusing, entertaining, and I wish I had room for more!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
First of all I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year, and lots of happy writing.
Have you made any resolutions? I wasn't going to but then decided to make a resolution of sorts. What is it? Why to stop eating chocolate! When I say I have gorged on chocolate all Christmas you catch my drift, don't you? People give me chocolates and I can't resist. I know, I said to myself, I'll give up eating chocolates for Lent. "Whoah," little man conscience shouted (and isn't the mean conscience always male), "you don't have to wait till Lent...why not give up chocolate New Year's Day?" Well that is what I have decided to do, no chocolate till Easter Sunday...and Easter is late this year.
The agony of it...I remember from last time. I will go into the Paper Shop where they also sell lots of sweets and shall stand there like a demented wolf sniffing the chocolate. Oh yes, it can be wrapped, it can be in a box but when you aren't getting any, let me tell you ladies, it smells, its odour rises like the most expensive perfume, coating you, so potent you can taste it on your tongue.
Ah well, the good news to this is that my romantic historical suspense"The Substitute Bride" is No.1 best seller at Whiskey Creek Press for the month of is a consolation, of sorts.
Happy writing and happy reading, 2009 is just waiting for us...
Have you made any resolutions? I wasn't going to but then decided to make a resolution of sorts. What is it? Why to stop eating chocolate! When I say I have gorged on chocolate all Christmas you catch my drift, don't you? People give me chocolates and I can't resist. I know, I said to myself, I'll give up eating chocolates for Lent. "Whoah," little man conscience shouted (and isn't the mean conscience always male), "you don't have to wait till Lent...why not give up chocolate New Year's Day?" Well that is what I have decided to do, no chocolate till Easter Sunday...and Easter is late this year.
The agony of it...I remember from last time. I will go into the Paper Shop where they also sell lots of sweets and shall stand there like a demented wolf sniffing the chocolate. Oh yes, it can be wrapped, it can be in a box but when you aren't getting any, let me tell you ladies, it smells, its odour rises like the most expensive perfume, coating you, so potent you can taste it on your tongue.
Ah well, the good news to this is that my romantic historical suspense"The Substitute Bride" is No.1 best seller at Whiskey Creek Press for the month of is a consolation, of sorts.
Happy writing and happy reading, 2009 is just waiting for us...
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