Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Meeting in the Middle

There are guy books and gal books but do Mars and Venus ever meet? I've been wondering about this since Monday when my husband and I had an unexpectedly long wait at a one-day surgery center. I offered him, the patient, my Nora Roberts book to read. It's a suspense, I told him. Maybe so but he would rather read a four-year-old Newsweek.

I kind of understand because I really don't want to read his WEB Griffin novels about World War II. Though I know they are historically accurate and fine books.

Is there anything we both read? Well, there's Michael Connelly and we both like him. Occasionally we both read P.D. James and Nelson DeMille but I can't think of much else. Any suggestions?


margaret blake said...

Kathy, I could recommend the novels of Kathleen O Connor!

Sarita Leone said...

Hubby and I don't share any reading tastes except for gardening manuals. So good to see we're not alone!

Hope your husband's surgery went well. Sending hugs!

Tory Richards said...

My hubby reads the newspaper and that's about it. Then complains because there's nothing good going on in the world.