Alivia will be two on the third of August. So we used the day to shop. They're going to re-do her room and she's going to start sleeping in a big girls bed. You know what that means. Visits during the night or early morning by a little munchkin who no longer has a crib's bars to restrain her. They've already added special locks on the doors to keep her from leaving the apartment. I don't even want to think about that!
The Back Yard a Kins...I probably spelled it wrong. I'd never heard of them but that's what they're doing Alivia's room in. Apparently she's crazy about them. When Michelle was that age it was Strawberry Shortcake and the Care Bears. Funny the things you don't forget.
We bought curtains and party things for her princess party. It's a little harder shopping these days with Alivia. She doesn't want to sit in the cart and likes to walk around the store. We have to keep our eyes on her at all times. Michelle has a leash for her but we didn't have it on Saturday. I've noticed that whenever we go anywhere I mostly do the grandma stuff while Michelle does the shopping. I don't mind. Isn't that what grandmas are for?
You bet!

Isn't she just the cutest little girl, I bet you love her to bits and spoil her rotten, and who can blame you!
Yes, yes, yes and yes! LOL Thanks Margaret:)
What a cutie!
Thanks Kathleen. She has a smile that just melts my heart. Love her to pieces!
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