No, it's not the hunky stud muffin sleeping with his mouth ajar. It's Gin Gin, our 10 week old calico. Isn't she cute? She's the reason I'm late blogging this morning. Had to get up early and get her to the vet. She's been sick the last couple of days and we were very worried about her. Turns out she has a cold. The vet said it could be caused by stress at being taken away from her mother, being spayed, and brought into a new home. So, we loaded up with antibiotics, worming medicine, nose drops and saline solution for her eyes and came home.
I took this picture a couple days ago. Caught my hubby, who doesn't really care for cats or so he says, and Gin Gin taking a snooze. Hubby wasn't too pleased as he has a reputation to uphold. You know, the big tough he-man syndrome. They've already formed a strong bond and it's cute watching how he looks over her like a mother hen.
That's an adorable photo. Hope your kitten is feeling better.
What a lovely little kitten, hope that this little angel is soon feeling better.
Margaret Blake
What a great photo! Ooh, and such a sweet little kitten. Hope the sweetie is soon feeling better. :)
Yes, Gin Gin is definitely on the mend! Thank goodness. She's bouncing around the house like a kitten should. Her and Woofy are really getting a long and playing good together.
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