I went to a Wizard of Words Conference in 2008 and it was great. Here are the details of their next conference.
Registration Deadline - September 1, 2009
WOW Writers Conference in Vegas
Viva Las Vegas! Experience Las Vegas And attend the 2009 WOW Writers Conference - mixing pleasure with business. Nineteen dynamic workshops, keynotes, panels, luncheon and banquet.
JACK WHYTE, Scottish award-winning poet and historical fiction writer (residing in Canada), heads the cast of illustrious presenters at the 2009 WOW Writers Conference on October 16 & 17 at the Plaza Hotel/Casino downtown Las Vegas.
Among the workshop presenters and panels are the following publishers, marketers, agents, editors, authors, and film producer:
JOHN PAUL OWLES - Featured Publisher - Joshua Tree Publishing, Chicago
WILLIAM BERNHARDT - Author of the "Ben Kincaid" thrillers (20 novels) & founder of HAWK Publishing Group
JENIFFER THOMPSON - Web Marketing Guru - Los Angeles
PENNY SANSEVIERI - Internet Publicity Expert - Los Angeles
DAVID ROSENBERG - Award-winning political thriller writer - New York
PATRICIA BROOKS - Marketing Expert, Author and Publisher - Scottsdale
MORGAN ST. JAMES - Public Speaker and author of Silver Sisters Mystery series - Los Angeles
VIRGINIA NOSKY - Award-winning poet and novelist - Phoenix
CHANTELLE OSMAN - Film Producer/Agent/Attorney - Los Angeles
MARY SUE SEYMOUR - Literary Agent - New York
BRENDA HILL - Editor and award-winning novelist - Los Angeles
RICHARD SPRING - Publisher - Sly Fox Press, Las Vegas
DAVE PRICE - Publisher - Wishingstone Publishing, Las Vegas
REBECCA BUCKLEY - Author/Publisher - RJ Buckley Publishing, Queen Creek AZ
JACK WHYTE will also present a workshop on Friday - Oct 16
You may register and download the actual conference schedule of workshops on the Wizards of Words website - www.wizardsofwords.org. All Authors may display and sell books in the WOW Bookstore on the premises. Photographer will be on hand to update your professional head shots, if you’re so inclined.
Remember ... Deadline for registration is September 1, and only 150 attendees can be accommodated. So please hurry and beat the deadline, you don't want to miss this one!
By September 1 ... WOW Members $179, non-members $259
After September 1 ... WOW Members $219, non-members $299
Contact Information
Wizards of Words Writers Conference
Rebecca Buckley 480-316-4350