Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mixed up

Well I had it all wrong. I was going to write about Thanksgiving after wishing you all a happy one, and to beg for some Pumpkin Pie, but I see that is not till next week. There was me believing it was the third Thursday in the month, now I am totally confused!

SO, what can I write about, up to my neck in galleys, what else is new? Cold, windy weather, but I am getting out and about. I am completely uninspired since my original blog has had to go on the back boiler. It just goes to show how that little devil confusion, coming into our lives, can strangle the muse.

Ah well - better luck next time.



Kathleen said...

The cold weather has got us all mixed up.

Sarita Leone said...

I love to hear you're busy with galleys, Margaret. That means we're all going to have more wonderful stories to read. I love the way you tell a story, my friend.

Tried to post yesterday but blogger must have had a gremlin. :)

Hope you are enjoying your week!