Every time I see Alivia I can't believe how smart she is and how fast she's growing. Michelle took her to the doctor for her checkup and the doctor said she's the perfect size for a three year old. She just turned two! She's very tall for her age, thanks to mommy and daddy. She towers over the other two year olds in her school.
After Alivia's mommy and daddy took off Alivia and I had lots of fun. We took a nap together, read books, played on the air bed that I sleep on in her room when I stay over. Alivia always sleeps with me when I spend the night. She was so proud of herself for helping mommy blow it up.
Then I noticed there was no fish aquarium in the living room. Michelle had fixed a small one for Alivia a couple days before and told me they bought five little gold fish. Where was it? So I looked at Alivia and said, "Baby, where's your fishy?" Being the smart child that she is I could see her mind working as she looked back and forth from where it had been, to me. "Where's your fishy?" I ask her again.
Then she motions for me to follow her. We walk down the hallway toward her parent's room and I think, oh, they must have put it in there. I stop in the doorway and glance around, but little Alivia continues into the bathroom. I watch her walk directly to the toilet, where she points down into the water.
I laughed so hard! She didn't say a word but I knew immediately what Michelle had done. Later when they came home I told them Alivia had tattle tailed on them. Michelle couldn't believe it but explained that all the fish had died and Alivia had helped flush them down the toilet.
It doesn't matter what's going wrong in the world. Spending time with my little granddaughter makes everything all right. She's such a joy!
By the way, Michelle took the picture of me and Alivia napping. I didn't even know she took it until she sent it to me in email.