If this old Desoto could only talk, what would it say? Would it tell tales, or keep its "lips" sealed? Did it carry children in the backseat? Or teenagers? Bags of groceries in the trunk? Maybe that trunk held suitcases while the car carried its passengers on family vacations. And who knows? That backseat could have had some very romantic moments...at a drive-in, maybe? Or parked behind the high school bleachers? For all I know this car may have brought babies home from the hospital. Between us, I hope it did do just that--at least once or twice.
As I said, we saw this car a couple of weeks ago but it's still very much in my mind. I'm probably going to write a story because of this car. It's funny, too, because most times that's all it takes for me to begin to write a new story...just a passing thought, a scent in the air or something I've seen or heard. People ask, "Where do ideas come from?" and they don't believe me when I say, "From everywhere." But it's true. Just ask this car. It knows. I'll bet it does.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Me? I've got a story to start writing.
Once upon a time there was a handsome man, a smart, funny woman and a shiny turquoise car...