Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Familiar Friends

Today is Kathleen's day to post but she has a bit of personal business to attend to and is unable to join us. I thought I'd pop in and visit with all of you for a few minutes, if that's all right. But if you've come here hoping to read something insightful and entertaining, with the flair that only Kathleen O'Connor can give, then I apologize. For this morning, at least, you're stuck with me. :)

I want to share with you a list of some of the familiar friends I've "visited" with this month. You see, January has been a rough month in our house, filled with lots of personal issues that seemed to pop up time and again. It would have been tough to endure had it not been for the solace offered by the comfortable, friendly faces of those I know and love...

First, Lizzie. You all know her, too. I'm sure of it. Or maybe you're more familiar with her beau, Mr. Darcy?

Anne. I just love the way Marilla and Matthew bring her to live with them at Green Gables.

A handsome, intelligent, old-world Count. Ah, Transylvania must be so lovely in the spring...

Last night I spent a few hours with a man called Ishmael. Don't worry, my husband is aware that I'm visiting with an old friend. He's got no worries that a sailor will sweep me away--in any more than mind and spirit, anyhow. Besides, he knows that deep down I'm a bit put off by Captain Ahab's gruffness. No, I'll visit the Pequod only from the safety of my armchair. But what a visit it is!

My husband fully endorses my desire to spend time with everyone on my January visitor's list. He knows me well, knows that one of the surest ways for me to get my footing back is to immerse myself in the written word, find the friendly in the familiar and give my mind and heart time to heal. It is working. I look forward to February with a lighter spirit.

My renewed lightness is due, in large measure, to the works I've mentioned here. It never matters how often I delve into the classics. I love them anew with each reading. I give thanks to my familiar friends for, once again, keeping me company...for being friends in good times as well as gloomy ones.

I wonder what Ebeneezer is doing in February? I know he's usually busy in December but I wonder if his schedule is looser during the rest of the month? I think I'll take a chance, look him up and see if he's open for a Valentine's Day visit...

1 comment:

margaret blake said...

Hey Sarita, I too like to visit old friends in times of stress. I have to tell you having studied Moby Dick at college, good though it is, I am not anxious to go visit again!

As to Pride and Prejudice, just have to watch the BEST ever, the one with Colin Firth, forget the film, the BBC version is the one to watch. When he comes out of the lake in that shirt........aah...

Margaret B