Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I know I'm a day early but this is my last chance to blog before tomorrow. LOL This is going to be short and sweet because I'm babysitting today and I hear Alivia waking even now as I write. Don't know how long she'll be content in her crib before letting me know, in a loud way, that she's up and wants out! You know I'm going to have a busy, fun filled day:)

I'm sitting here in my daughter's living room, which looks more like a giant play pen. Oh, there is a sofa and TV but I can clearly see who rules the roost here. My daughter is a clean freak, but the clutter of Alivia's little things everywhere doesn't bother her in the least. And speaking of the little angel, I hear her now:) I'll have to say goodbye for now.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful holiday tomorrow. Enjoy your time with friends and family members you haven't seen for a while. Enjoy the good food that helps you celebrate the day. And take lots of pictures so you can look back on your special day and smile.


Sarita Leone said...

Smiling as I think of all the fun you and Alivia had! :)

Tory Richards said...

I love that kid! My daughter and hubby are going to Vale on their honeymoon in Jan and I get to stay with Alivia for a whole week!

Kathleen said...

So wonderful to be with children at Christmas. Have fun with Alivia.