Our guest blogger today is Whiskey Creek Author, Annette Snyder. She has a terrific new book to tell us about is offering a very cool prize.
Thanks to the authors who own The Lark Journals for having me today. If you haven’t checked out their sites and their work, you should. There’s a bunch of talent wrapped up in these four authors. I write with one of the same publishers they do, Whiskey Creek Press. That’s where my latest novel is published and released this month.
Intimate Flames is a story centered around my favorite American holiday, Independence Day. I know we celebrate because it’s the day America claimed its independence but it’s my favorite holiday because of the atmosphere. The weather is usually warm where I live, smack dab in the middle of the country. One of my good friends, the local fireworks saleswoman, puts on a beautiful fireworks display at night. Almost everyone in town goes to the ball field with their lawn chairs to watch and visit. Most other holidays are centered on family but the Fourth of July is centered on unity of our neighbors, community and country. I think that’s why I like it best and that’s why I wrote Intimate Flames.
A young woman named Bradie Carpenter finds herself alone and pregnant after the sudden death of her boyfriend. This story chronicles changes in Bradie’s life after Grant’s death, the birth of her child and finally meeting of a wonderful fireman, his family and an entire community who accept her for who she is and celebrate what she’s overcome. This is a contemporary story of survival and learning to love again set in the American Midwest beginning and ending on July 4th.
Intimate Flames is my first holiday based story and my first contemporary. One of the main characters, Andrew ‘Amen’ Packard, has six siblings. I’m currently finishing a novel about another of his siblings, a fast food restaurant worker, and I’m thinking about starting a series involving all the Packard kids. Like all families, Packard children were raised in the same house but each has a different personality so the second book, also a contemporary, is set to showcase a woman’s strife to build a life and make choices that lead her in a stable direction. Will she choose the easier path of fortune with the visiting movie star or the affection of his limo driver?
You can find out all about my work at my site, http://annettesnyder.atspace.com There, you’ll find links to everything pertaining to my writing career. There’s a link to contact me with any questions and, on the Events page, you’ll find information about a monthly book club I host, Lost in a Good Book, at Writers and Readers of Distinctive Fiction, a writing community.
As thanks to The Lark Journal for hosting me today, and in honor of the release of my newest work, Intimate Flames, I’m offering a great July prize to all participants on this blog. With your comment, you have a chance to win an autographed copy of Intimate Flames, the perfect summer afternoon read, a bottle of sunscreen to ward off those harmful rays while you bask in the sun and a cool book tote to store all your picnic jaunting supplies. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!
Annette Snyder-Novelist
Viveka's War--Available Now
Intimate Flames releasing July 2009
Annette Snyder-Novelist
Viveka's War--Available Now
Intimate Flames releasing July 2009