Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

I love this time of year. The season of rebirth. The hedgerows are littered with daffodils - many trees are in bud, the lovely "pussy" willow has yellow flowers that turn into furry buds eventually. Everything is fresh and green.

Spring always bring new hope and in these miserable times, don't we just need that precious hope. Let us hope that things will get better. Spring offers a promise, let's hope that promise is kept.



Sarita Leone said...

I completely agree. Let's raise a toast to springtime promises kept.

But I've got to tell the truth...we've got snow this morning. Not feeling expecially spring-like, but maybe that'll come tomorrow. :)

Have a nice day!

Kathleen said...

Spring is always so special. Glad yours has arrived. Ours comes in late February.