Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sunny Florida

I am basking in the sun here in sunny Florida. Florida has inspired two of my novels and might yet inspire even more!
We writers do know that all writing is eighty percent perspiration and twenty inspiration - or do we? Sometimes its hard to write a single word but you press on. At least that is my experience.
Inspiration plays a large part though, especially a location. But do you have to know it? Well you have to know how things work, what the climate is like.
I have written a couple of novels set in Spain, I've never been to Spain. That's going to remedied this year. However, I am worried will real Spain (which is where I'm going rather than coastal Spain) be a step into reality too far? Will I be disappointed. It can happen. I am just a tad afraid that what I will see will spoil my romantic view, ah well we will see.
But back to Florida - coming here every year I am quite at home. I know and love the countryside. I love the wildness. Not wild you say? Well no, not if you are visiting Orlando, but slip onto a back road, you will see wildness aplenty. Deer, foxes, wonderful birds. Oh yes, they are all here just a step or two away. Even where my son lives the deer creep out of the woods at night and eat the sweet grass on his lawn. They drink from the lake too, watchful of the alligator that lives there...oh yes, Florida has an abundance of wildlife. I might not have known this had I not been given the opportunity to come many times. Perhaps Spain will throw up some surprises too - I hope so!


jrlindermuth said...

Bask in that wildness, Margaret. I know you'll find inspiration. Enjoy your visit.

Pauline Holyoak said...

Nice post. Have a wonderful time Margaret. My sister has a condo in Spain, it's lovely there and the people are so friendly.Why don't you try writing a story based in Canada. Better still come for a visit!

margaret blake said...

That would be fun Pauline, I have only been to Canada for a day! That was when the boat docked for six hours at Halifax one freezing January in l964!

Sarita Leone said...

Margaret, I love it that you're going to Spain! What fun! I know you'll find a treasure of inspiration there.

So glad you're visiting with your family. I love Florida. It's the perfect spot to bask, think and percolate new stories. Just stay away from the gators! :)

margaret blake said...

Thanks Sarita, I do keep away from those critters!