It's coming up to New Year's Eve, a time to make resolutions, are you going to make one or two? I have long decided not to, I break the darn things anyway.
As someone once said "A New Year resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other" just about sums it up for me.
I was wondering where it all started this new year thing and discovered about 4000 years ago, can that be right? It makes me nervous to even think of four thousand years!
In Christian countries we have a similar thng at Lent, when we give something up, but we can eat it or enjoy it after Easter - think of all those chocolates that come out around that time. But a new year resolution is for keeps isn't it? You give up smoking, or alcohol, or go on a diet and you mean to keep up with it. That's why I prefer to give up something for Lent, I can indulge once more.
Whatever happens I hope you have a wonderful New Year and that all your dreams come true. And at the same time learn from what Albert Einstein said:
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
2010 Watch Out!
Well, another Christmas is behind us and we'll soon be welcoming in The New Year. My Christmas plans were to stay home and have a peaceful holiday with the hubby. I had an extra long weekend which is always nice. Thought I was going to be editing but my editor informed me that she's not quite ready. I told her I was kind of glad, for selfish reasons.
Lately I've begun to take stock of my life and how I over commit myself. I've always been a high achiever but let's face it, work is really the only place I have to excel because I have to work and I have to pay the bills. It's time to slow down in my personal life though, and enjoy it more. Pace myself.
I've already begun to make some changes. Which, to my surprise I've adjusted to quite quickly. My first decision was to get rid of three of my five email accounts. I mean, who needs five? Add checking them every day to the hours spent networking and promoting on line and there's little time left for anything else.
I'm going to make more changes once 2010 gets here. I'm going to make a list and check it twice, prioritize, which I'm really great at when I'm at work. I'm going to stick with what works and get rid of what isn't. I've already started using my yahoo calendar to help me keep track of events I've signed up for. That will help me to spread myself out and not commit to too much at one time. I'm bad about that.
This sounds like a New Year's Resolution doesn't it? Have you thought about what you'll make?
Before I go I thought I'd share a photo of me and my granddaughter, taken in St. Augustine a couple weeks.
Lately I've begun to take stock of my life and how I over commit myself. I've always been a high achiever but let's face it, work is really the only place I have to excel because I have to work and I have to pay the bills. It's time to slow down in my personal life though, and enjoy it more. Pace myself.
I've already begun to make some changes. Which, to my surprise I've adjusted to quite quickly. My first decision was to get rid of three of my five email accounts. I mean, who needs five? Add checking them every day to the hours spent networking and promoting on line and there's little time left for anything else.
I'm going to make more changes once 2010 gets here. I'm going to make a list and check it twice, prioritize, which I'm really great at when I'm at work. I'm going to stick with what works and get rid of what isn't. I've already started using my yahoo calendar to help me keep track of events I've signed up for. That will help me to spread myself out and not commit to too much at one time. I'm bad about that.
This sounds like a New Year's Resolution doesn't it? Have you thought about what you'll make?
Before I go I thought I'd share a photo of me and my granddaughter, taken in St. Augustine a couple weeks.

Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Holidays!

1 pkg. lime Jello
1 lg. can crushed pineapple
1/2 c. water
1 1/2 c. pineapple juice
1/2 c. chopped nuts
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
Red cherries
Mix Jello, water and pineapple juice. Make sure Jello dissolves. Set aside 1/2 hour in refrigerator. Mix cream cheese, nuts, pineapple until mushy. Mix in with Jello mixture. Place cherries on bottom of round wreath shaped mold. Pour in Jello mixture, set until firm. This is great with Christmas ham as a side salad, tasty!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Don’t you just love the way families reconnect over the holidays? No one can hold a grudge, or recall who said what to whom, so they smile, hug and share news while they break bread. It warms my heart every time I witness a reunion, especially one where no one truly expected the parties to ever set aside their differences.
Miracles, it seems, do happen. And isn’t it fabulous?
Around here we have been getting lots of phone calls from distant family and friends. While there are no hatchets to bury or squabbles to set aside, it still feels great to speak with people we don’t hear from more than a few times each year. I love catching up, hearing the latest news and sharing our stories. I suppose that as much as we’d love to think we’re independent, we’re all still connected. It’s the connectedness that lifts my heart and nourishes my soul.
What about you? Are you feeling connected with those in your life, near and far? Do you maybe have someone you’d like to reconnect with? I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do, but I will say that this is the perfect time of year to extend a hand in friendship and love. It seems no one is able to turn away, and fences mend more easily when hearts are light.
The snow…I think that’s part of the magic but that’s only my opinion!
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miracles, it seems, do happen. And isn’t it fabulous?
Around here we have been getting lots of phone calls from distant family and friends. While there are no hatchets to bury or squabbles to set aside, it still feels great to speak with people we don’t hear from more than a few times each year. I love catching up, hearing the latest news and sharing our stories. I suppose that as much as we’d love to think we’re independent, we’re all still connected. It’s the connectedness that lifts my heart and nourishes my soul.
What about you? Are you feeling connected with those in your life, near and far? Do you maybe have someone you’d like to reconnect with? I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do, but I will say that this is the perfect time of year to extend a hand in friendship and love. It seems no one is able to turn away, and fences mend more easily when hearts are light.
The snow…I think that’s part of the magic but that’s only my opinion!
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
His Other Wife
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Release Day
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Scent of the Holidays
Like everyone, we have certain holiday traditions. Many of the sounds and scents that provoke holiday smiles, reminiscences and laughter originate in the kitchen. That’s right, we like to cook, bake and eat—and our holiday memories are a testament to the fact!
We’ve had some funny kitchen times…
One afternoon I filled a new lasagna pan in order to accommodate the crowd, never realizing the pan was twice as deep as the one I customarily used so it would need double oven time. The crowd waited, nibbling antipasto and teasing me about my cooking snafu. By the way, the lasagna was super!
Then there was the Christmas Eve that I set the kitchen ablaze. It was just a small blaze, mind you, but it is seared into memory. Oh, and just in case you were wondering…well, let’s just say it’s never a good idea to put the pot holders in the oven after you’ve taken the roasting pan out. I know, I know…and, before you ask, no, I don’t know what I was thinking!
We still laugh about the year early in our marriage when we decided to bake cookies for nearly everyone on the planet. I am not kidding; our cookie list was so long we baked for days. By the time we had delivered all the tins of goodies and gone back home, neither of us could stand to look at a cookie. We had pie for dessert on Christmas that year. The leftover cookies thawed nicely in July, and were well appreciated by then!
Anyhow, you see where some of the most heartwarming holiday magic comes from in our house.
We’re in full baking mode again this year—on a smaller scale but we’re baking. Yesterday was a snowy, cold afternoon so we spent a few hours whipping up a batch of cookies. We laughed, talked about years gone by and smiled by the glow of the tree. Yes, the kitchen is so central in our house that we have a tree in there, too. It’s not a big one but it sure is pretty.
Where do some of your holiday memories come from? Are you kitchen folks, or do you perhaps associate more fun and laughter with a different location? I’d love to hear some of what makes your holiday happy!
Thought you might enjoy the recipe we used yesterday. These are easy to make and taste oh-so yummy! Enjoy!
Chocolate Sugar Cookies
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt1
1/2 cups sugar
1 1/4 sticks softened butter
1 egg
Preheat oven to 375°F.
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg. Then add the flour, cocoa, baking soda and powder and salt.
Drop rounded spoonfuls of batter onto lightly-greased baking sheet. Flatten slightly. Bake for ten minutes.
We’ve had some funny kitchen times…
One afternoon I filled a new lasagna pan in order to accommodate the crowd, never realizing the pan was twice as deep as the one I customarily used so it would need double oven time. The crowd waited, nibbling antipasto and teasing me about my cooking snafu. By the way, the lasagna was super!
Then there was the Christmas Eve that I set the kitchen ablaze. It was just a small blaze, mind you, but it is seared into memory. Oh, and just in case you were wondering…well, let’s just say it’s never a good idea to put the pot holders in the oven after you’ve taken the roasting pan out. I know, I know…and, before you ask, no, I don’t know what I was thinking!
We still laugh about the year early in our marriage when we decided to bake cookies for nearly everyone on the planet. I am not kidding; our cookie list was so long we baked for days. By the time we had delivered all the tins of goodies and gone back home, neither of us could stand to look at a cookie. We had pie for dessert on Christmas that year. The leftover cookies thawed nicely in July, and were well appreciated by then!
Anyhow, you see where some of the most heartwarming holiday magic comes from in our house.
We’re in full baking mode again this year—on a smaller scale but we’re baking. Yesterday was a snowy, cold afternoon so we spent a few hours whipping up a batch of cookies. We laughed, talked about years gone by and smiled by the glow of the tree. Yes, the kitchen is so central in our house that we have a tree in there, too. It’s not a big one but it sure is pretty.
Where do some of your holiday memories come from? Are you kitchen folks, or do you perhaps associate more fun and laughter with a different location? I’d love to hear some of what makes your holiday happy!
Thought you might enjoy the recipe we used yesterday. These are easy to make and taste oh-so yummy! Enjoy!
Chocolate Sugar Cookies
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt1
1/2 cups sugar
1 1/4 sticks softened butter
1 egg
Preheat oven to 375°F.
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg. Then add the flour, cocoa, baking soda and powder and salt.
Drop rounded spoonfuls of batter onto lightly-greased baking sheet. Flatten slightly. Bake for ten minutes.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Loren Teague
I am sorry to write that Loren, seen here in the picture with me, died on Monday. Loren was 51 and died on her birthday. Loren had been ill for some long time but like the brave lady she was, she made it back from New Zealand to her birthplace Scotland, for a holiday. The photo of us, the last time we were together, was taken in Edinburgh 2008. I will treasure it.
Loren wrote for Whiskey Creek Press - the marvellous Highland Rebel - and also for Robert Hale Limited. She has two books with them and a third which will come out in February. I will give you more details nearer the time.
Loren was the world to me. She practically forced me to start writing again after I had gone through a dry period of six years. Loren was always there for me and not only for me but for many people. She would always want to know how you were? How were you coping with your problems, she never complained about herself. There are people who are touched by something special, and that was Loren.
Loren will be greatly missed by her partner and her son and the hundreds (and that is not an exaggeration) who were blessed by knowing her.
Loren - rest in peace.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Coming Next Week
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Interview

Promoting one self is never done so
I'm shamefully plugging myself this week folks. I've been spreading myself all over the internet, with anyone who'll have me:) LOL
Be sure to check out my new interview over at KMN Books! You never know, you just might learn something new and exciting about me. It goes up on Monday. Plus, if you leave a comment you might win a download of WICKED DESIRE. One winner randomly chosen on Saturday. Would love to see you there:)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Winter Warmer
Winter can look so romantic, log fires, dim lighting, a candle or two. A fur rug?
Two people enjoying a romantic tryst, sipping a glass of wine perhaps. Is this the reality? Now and again for you romantics. But the really real reality is wearing too many clothes, dodging showers, trying not to slip on ice coated pavements.
Lowering the tone - on my walks with the rambling group, the one thing I hate is having to go the ladies. I mean all the clothes I am wearing, it gets so difficult. In this, as with everything in life, the guys have it really easy!
I long for spring and summer and autumn, but thanks. If I had my way I'd be in Florida now, or Australia or New Zealand, I would not be in the cold. However, since I am I will make the best of it. I will go out with the ramblers whatever the weather, I will dim the lights and snuggle down. When I look out of the window I will think how lucky I am to have a home and I will promise that I will not moan about the season.
Broken promises? Yes I know...but I will try.
Two people enjoying a romantic tryst, sipping a glass of wine perhaps. Is this the reality? Now and again for you romantics. But the really real reality is wearing too many clothes, dodging showers, trying not to slip on ice coated pavements.
Lowering the tone - on my walks with the rambling group, the one thing I hate is having to go the ladies. I mean all the clothes I am wearing, it gets so difficult. In this, as with everything in life, the guys have it really easy!
I long for spring and summer and autumn, but thanks. If I had my way I'd be in Florida now, or Australia or New Zealand, I would not be in the cold. However, since I am I will make the best of it. I will go out with the ramblers whatever the weather, I will dim the lights and snuggle down. When I look out of the window I will think how lucky I am to have a home and I will promise that I will not moan about the season.
Broken promises? Yes I know...but I will try.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Great Gifts

Whether it's Black Friday or Cyber Monday, a lot of folks are out shopping. That got me to thinking about presents and how magical they can be.
In the days after my mother's funeral, a friend slipped me a small, wrapped package. Inside was a copy of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Known as spiritual chiropractic for the artist's soul, this book has exercises that get you writing again no matter how bad a slump your in. I've used this book over and over and it has never failed me. It is one of my most treasured possessions.
So this is my gold standard for present buying. And I never come close. Will a tooth brush sanitizer or tower of sweets change a life? I don't think so. So I try books. One year, I gave Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life to family and friends. Except for one friend, they uniformly hated it. This year I gave that friend a copy of Eckhart Tolle's new book. She found it dense and didn't finish it.
So this year I'm back to looking at those tooth brush sanitizers. I mean with all the flus and super bugs maybe they are just the ticket. Anyway it's always helpful to have a tooth brush around especially after you've eaten the tower of sweets.
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