This is a picture of Glen Coe in Scotland. I guarantee that if you pass through this valley between these brooding hills you will feel
something. No one can travel the Glen without experiencing a feeling of trepidation. Why? Of course it does have a beauty all its own but it is because of the tragedy that took place here. The ghosts of the victims still linger, even today.
I confess to having never been here till last week. I just thought I would find it incredibly sad, and I did. My great, great Grandmother was a MacDonald, why should that matter you ask, well let me tell you.
To reach Glen Coe you travel through the wilderness that is Rannoch Moor, beautiful but inhospitable. In 1692 the MacDonalds were lords of Glen Coe. In the aftermath of the "Glorious Revolution" when King William of Holland took the throne all Clansmen were ordered to take an oath of allegience to the new "foreign" king. MacDonald, unfortunately, was too late to take the oath.
Later a group of soldiers arrived at the Glen and were offered hospitality. On a snowy night they repaid the hospitality by slaughtering all they could. Men, women and children. Some fled only to die of exposure in the treacherous weather. Many blame the Clan Campbell and they were involved, but others were to. It is well worth googling The Massacre of Glen Coe to read all the details. I am sure you will be moved.
You experience, as you travel through the Glen this tremendous feeling of sadness.I can remember my Granny often telling me all about it. Now I have actually been there, I am not sure if I will go again...