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I thought I'd treat you all with a picture of my husband. How do you like it? Okay, I admit it's sexy, but he's an actor and being paid big bucks to make out with this no body. He's tall, dark and handsome. Perfect, actually. Not an ounce of spare flesh anywhere with rippling muscles and a washboard stomach. He has Viking legs, too. You know, just like the kind you see on the cover of those romance novels. Thick and powerful.
He's still a romantic. Wooing me with candlelight and wine in the evenings before bed. We've been married for almost ten years and he's never missed a night. I'm a very lucky woman. I have it all.
And then I wake up. I must have fallen asleep in my easy chair. I glance over at my other half, I refuse to say better half, and there he is. Old and bald, sound asleep with his mouth open and a cookie hanging half out of it. Drool dripping down one of his chins and his thick coke bottle glasses sliding down his crooked nose. And best of all he's wearing his thin faded blue pajamas that do nothing to disguise his man breasts and pudgy torso. Ever notice how some men gain weight from the waist up but from the waist down their bodies look like they belong to someone else?
I smile when he half snorts half yawns, nearly sucking the cookie down his throat. I think he's waking but he only seeks a more comfortable position. All of a sudden the TV station changes and I realize he has his finger on the remote. His glasses slip down to his upper lip. Then I watch as our cat sneaks over and steals the cookie out of his mouth.
My laughing must have woken him because the next thing I know he's jerking awake and looking over at me like a guilty child. He straightens up and glances down at the cat, who's wolfing down his cookie. Then he looks at the TV. The Golden Girls had replaced the history channel, something about WWII.
"Why did you change the station? I was watching that show."
I say nothing, just smile at him, and realize I love him just as much now as I did when we first got together. He's perfect for me...my hero:)
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